Sunday, June 24, 2012

Big Changes, Fast Company

Love this photo. I'm keeping some pretty fast company here.

That's me on the left, with Tawna Fenske, Kristina McMorris, Delilah Marvelle and Jessa Slade. All successful published authors who belong to the Rose City Romance Writers chapter of RWA.

I finally feel I really belong in this picture, because I did it. I quit teaching elementary library media to write full time!

Pinching self. Is this really me? Can't quite believe it's true.

I mean, it is June, which always means the cessation of my school year schedule - Up early and off to school. Teach all day, then stop by the gym on my way home, finally arrive home at about  tired out and ready to have dinner with the DH, and put my feet up with a glass of wine and a good book. But instead, head to my office for a couple of hours of writing, until my husband reminds me that I have to go to bed in order to get up the next morning and do it all again.

This summer, I've begun a new routine, and I could get to love this.

Up at about the time I would have been heading off to school, breakfast, strong coffee, and to my office to check in on social media and write until lunch time.  Lunch with my husband, then more social media and write for another hour or two. Go for bide ride, walk or to gym. Dinner, and then, since I am on deadline with Hawaiian Heroes, Book 3, back to social media and writing for another couple of hours.

I don't expect my schedule will always be this stringent. And I have not, to be really honest, held to it seven days a week. I mean, it is summer (part of the time, 'cause it's only June, and this is the Pacific NW). One Must Make Time for bike rides, long walks, leisurely meals on our deck to watch the birds who flock to the feeder and hang out in our trees.

And this last weekend my DH and I went out to the Oregon Coast. Fabulous. There is nothing like a walk on the beach, with sand underfoot, seabirds flying and the surge of the surf, deep and rhythymic and sure, to lower my tension and calm my soul.

Came home rejuvenated, a few pounds heavier from too much good food and Rogue micro-brew, and ready to get back to writing. And strangely without that panicky feeling of 'Time to check the calendar. Already been out of school for two weeks, so how many are left before I must go back?'

Not saying I don't have a panicky feeling about my writing deadline, but I can work with that. Because there is nothing, nothing, nothing that I would rather be doing full time than this.

And here's a shout out to my friend, Monica Knightley, as she begins her writing journey with a very nice compliment for me and a big decision for her on her very funny blog, Random Musings of a Fledgling Writer. I think you'll agree, can't wait for a book from her, whether it's Fifty Shades of Red, Green or some new color she hasn't invented yet.

This change of careers can only be good for me ... and I hope, for you.

I look forward to sharing so many more stories with you. Another change is racing toward me, but I'll share that another time.

For now, how about you? Summer bringing any big changes your way? If so, I hope they're good.

But if not, come on in. Lose yourself in a great tropical romance. Sigh, cry some tears along with the heroine, and hero, and smile as they get their happy ever after.

When you return to your life, I hope you'll be refreshed, rested and rejuvenated, yourself.



  1. A fun blog, Cathryn. I find your turn of voice fun, too.

  2. Sandy,

    thanks for stopping by! So nice to see a fellow romance writer.



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